About Us

International Affiliation

Our international influence


DFK International was founded in 1962 by 3 accountants based in London, Paris and Sydney who shared a common vision: Crossborder sharing of experience and expertise to augment their client services. 

Worldwide, this association of independent accounting firms and business advisors has its roots in over 92 countries with 412 member offices and has become an emblematic figure in the world of international business. 

In Canada, DFK is the leading association of independent accounting firms with 115 active partners. 

Affiliated with DFK International, Levy Pilotte offers you:

  • Superior client service

  • Access to a full range of expertise, knowledge and resources in Canada and internationally

  • Opportunities for national and international referrals

  • A trusted forum for exchanges on topical subjects and areas

  • Active committees that rally members in Taxation, Quality Control, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Mergers and Acquisitions, and IT

  • Professional development programs and national/international conferences

  • Leadership program promoting members’ careers
